

Possible cause


The window handle is not detected when teaching in.

There is interference in the wireless signal

  • Remove the sources of interference
  • Check the distance from the nearest Thread repeater and if necessary decrease the distance
  • Check the distance from the home controller and if necessary decrease the distance
  • Check for faults with individual devices in the smart home network and if necessary restart devices

The window handle cannot be taught in.

The window handle has already been taught in on a smart home network.

The window handle reports the wrong status

The batteries are flat.

There is interference in the wireless signal.

  • Remove the sources of interference
  • Check the distance from the nearest Thread repeater and if necessary decrease the distance
  • Check the distance from the home controller and if necessary decrease the distance
  • Check for faults with individual devices in the smart home network and if necessary restart devices

The window handle has been taught in incorrectly.

Message in the SIEGENIA HomeConnect app: "unable to contact handle"

There is interference in the wireless signal.

  • Remove the sources of interference
  • Check the distance from the nearest Thread repeater and if necessary decrease the distance
  • Check the distance from the home controller and if necessary decrease the distance
  • Check for faults with individual devices in the smart home network and if necessary restart devices

The window handle has been reset to the factory settings.

  • Delete the window handle from the SIEGENIA HomeConnect app
  • Repeat the initial setup

The window handle is stiff

The screws have been overtightened.

  • Loosen the screws slightly.

The window handle is locked and can no longer be unlocked using the app.

The power supply to the smart home system has been interrupted.

There is no smartphone available on which the window handle has been taught in.

The window handle can be moved even though the HomeConnect app displays "locked".

The window handle is not in the 0° or 180° position.

  • Move the window handle to the 0° or 180° position.
  • The window handle locks automatically.

The wrong window handle has been selected in the HomeConnect app.

  • Check whether the right window handle has been locked.